LP Smarter with RealTime Analytics
Track all your LP positions on Meteora with real time and historical performance.
Know when to rebalance, avoid impermanent loss, improve returns.

A Liquidity Provider Copilot
Whether you are new or a veteran to providing liquidity on-chain, UltraLP helps you to visualize profits, clarify losses, manage your portfolio(s) and improve returns long term - with real time analytics.
Launch AppDesigned for LPers by LPers
Real Time Profit & Loss
Get clarity on your positions at every moment

Visualize Price Action
See your positions directly on price charts

Historical Forensics
Look into how and why impermanent loss occurred to avoid it in the future.

SOL Denomination
View P&Ls in SOL to simplify calculations and keep your focus on earning fees.

Token Pair Details
Clearer cards show P&L and stats for multi-position strategies.

and so much more.

Built for Speed & Accuracy
Providing active liquidity for volatile tokens requires dashboards and trackers that update responsively. Managing large positions requires your tools to work accurately and reliably.
UltraLP moves at the speed of Solana - Ultrafast, without sacrificing accuracy.
Built with communities on
RPS Network
An applied AI lab based in San Francisco, RPS is building applications to help users onboard to defi’s best and most complicated tools, leveraging AI.